iPad Photo Manager Connect IPad to PCOpen Photo ManagerTouch transfer button top leftTouch transfer buttonNote informationHow to set up FTP – I use ws_ftp professionalSite name – anythingHost name – you get this from transfer info in the software it...
Homeless R15: How to Create a Pinterest Style Blog Layout Using pinterest blog, looks great but I needed to link images into another website. I am using posts with the wordpress featured image, I failed to link from the feature image as its greyed out, If I add the...
Warning: is_dir() [function.is-dir]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/htdocs/wp-content/themes-ai1ec) is not within the allowed path(s): (/svr/apachessl/htdocs:/tmp:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/share:/etc/xml:/usr/bin-safe:/home) in...
Was .ngg-gallery-thumbnail img:hover { background-color: #A9A9A9; I ftp download and keep safe the css file then edit a copy as below then ftp upload and override Always making sure I have backed up the both files safely Now .ngg-gallery-thumbnail img:hover {...
<a href=”http://codecanyon.net/item/justified-image-grid-premium-wordpress-gallery/2594251″ target=”_blank”>Superb Gallery Plugin </a> I had a problem with installation via word press dashboard I followed the instructions carefully...