Images 1080 x 675
Connect IPad to PCOpen Photo ManagerTouch transfer button top leftTouch transfer buttonNote informationHow to set up FTP - I use ws_ftp professionalSite name - anythingHost name - you get this from transfer info in the software it starts Host:Username...
Linking Images From Pinterest Blog Using pinterest blog, looks great but I needed to link images into another website. I am using posts with the wordpress featured image, I failed to link from the feature...
All in one event calendar
Warning: is_dir() []: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/htdocs/wp-content/themes-ai1ec) is not within the allowed path(s): (/svr/apachessl/htdocs:/tmp:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/share:/etc/xml:/usr/bin-safe:/home) in...
Really Simple Captcha
Really Simple CAPTCHA Link See captcha code below <p>Your Name (required)<br /> [text* your-name] </p> <p>Your Email (required)<br /> [email* your-email] </p> <p>Subject<br /> [text your-subject] </p> <p>Your...
Nextgen change gallery hover colour
Was .ngg-gallery-thumbnail img:hover { background-color: #A9A9A9; I ftp download and keep safe the css file then edit a copy as below then ftp upload and override Always making sure I have backed up the both files safely Now .ngg-gallery-thumbnail img:hover {...
Justified Image Grid
<a href="" target="_blank">Superb Gallery Plugin </a> I had a problem with installation via word press dashboard I followed the instructions carefully and no way would the...
imovie to ipad
iMovie to YouTube I use SHARE/MOVIE in 1920x1080 size save to to my desktop. Then I go to the YouTube website and upload there. This has several advantages. 1) I can upload videos longer than 15 minutes (YouTube will invite you to use this feature after you have...
changing permalinks (.htaccess not writable)
You need to create a blank htaccess file - use any text editor Notepad or Text Editor and create a file and save it as .htaccess (save it as DOTHTACCESS) - load this up to the root of your ftp space (that is in the same folder with wp-config.php) then right click on...
apple mac tips cut and paste
The way Macs do it may seem off to newer users, but OS X does allow both copy/paste, and cut/paste actions for files. First to copy/paste is by selecting the file and using Command+C to copy then Command+V to paste where you want the copy to be. Second to cut/paste...
Macbook Recovery Disc
Notes for me The Mac OS X Lion recovery drive was created successfully. To use the recovery disc, connect the USB drive with the recovery disc, restart your computer while holding down the OPTION key (that's the alt key) and then select the recovery disc. To download...
Divi Blog Grid Posts The Same Height
Great tutorial from Inline Creative
HIDE ‘Show Excerpt Length of ‘Divi Blog Posts’
hide 'Show Excerpt Length of 'Divi Blog Posts' ADD TO STYLE SHEET .myclass .et_pb_post p { display: none; } ADD myclass TO ROW MODULE SETTINGS CSS CLASS Disable thumbs on posts, don't use feature image all in the post. And tick grab first post image...